A UK Gyaru blog with nail tutorials, fashion posts, reviews and personal posts about me (^o^) Follow me on my journey to becoming more and more Gyaru as I start University. xx

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Everything a Western Gyaru Needs: My Top 5 Shopping Websites

Japan Centre - Whats a gal without inspiration lol The Japan Centre is basically my hub for Japanese goods. They have many magazines, loads of Gyaru ones. The prices are a little bit high but totally worth it :D I always spend a fortune with them. They also sell food, snacks, drinks, books, manga, study materials, gifts and home goods. I highly recommend you visit the site and see their vast collection for yourself~

Tokyo Toys - This is where I buy my circle lenses. They're reliable and affordable. Fast delivery too~ They have an actual shop in London, so if you're ever around Piccadilly Circus, head into the Trocadero Shopping Center on Coventry street. They sell loads of anime and manga goods as well as Japanese sweets and cosplay goods.

Uniqlo - I love Uniqlo clothing! A lot of their stuff is plain block colours so it's good for accessorising. They also do seperate collections for Disney, Hinano Yoshikawa, Metal Gear Solid etc. Their prices are fairly cheap but the quality is amazing!

Eyeko - Make up etc. They have a great pen eyeliner, big eyes mascara which I mentioned in a previous post. Their nail varnishes are of good quality and don't chip easily. Some items you can get cheaper elsewhere but eyeko's pakaging is sooo cute~ They always have offers and free gifts if you spend over £10.

Artbox - They sell cute things to decorate rooms, cushions, stickers, stationery etc. I love buying from them, their designs are adorable with pandas, hearts, bows and many others. The prices are cheap and they have soo much stuff. They came in very handy for me going off to uni. As I've showed you here, i've bought a lot of things from them for University. I've done about 3 orders with them so far, usually around 10 items a time. The delivery is super fast, and you can choose 2 different delievery types. fast or super fast lol.

Lu x

[Ps. There's a giveaway going on over at http://bebexiao.blogspot.com/ go check it out and enter!]


  1. lol im giving away the eyeko eyeliner u mentioned in my giveaway lol altho dolly winks is better but also alot more expensive :( and at least eyeko stuff is sold in superdrug xx

  2. :O is it?! i didn't know that lol. I'm going to have to visit a superdrug as soon as I get to Uni haha ^o^ Thanks for letting me know~ I haven't got the eyeliner, but i've heard it's good. So i thought i'd put it in there lol. I think I entered in your giveaway, I don't remember :S I'll mention it in a blog tomorrow ^o^ xx

  3. Hello girl, you have been awarded the One Lovely Blog Award, please come and claim it.


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